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Our Junior/Beginners course is primarily aimed at adolescent dogs. Puppies enter their Junior or 'adolescent' phase at around 6 months of age. You may notice they become less interested in you and more interested in their surroundings. What was once a perfect puppy can quickly become a problem dog. This class is also suitable for older dogs with training issues or those just starting out. Private training options are also available, please see below.

Dog training class

Your young dog...

Adolescence refers to the time between puppyhood and sexual/social maturity. This can be between 6 months and 3 years depending on the size and breed of dog.

For male dogs testosterone production can increase dramatically, resulting in difficult times for both the dog and owner. Likewise, females may act differently around the time of their first season. It can be difficult for them to concentrate and focus on what you are asking. 

Castration or spaying is often suggested at this point to 'calm' the behaviour. This is often not that case and in some situations can make things worse, either way it is not simple quick fix. 


We find that, more often than not, issues that were not a problem with a small, lightweight puppy, become a major issue as a dog reaches adolescence and is more confident. They can become impulsive, develop selective hearing and generally become more interested in their surroundings, and other dogs. 

dog training and behaviour

Junior/Beginners class 10 months +

6 weeks course 

Saturday 11th January 11am

Saturday 1st March at 11am


Manners & Socialisation workshop

email for availability


Recall Workshop

Saturday 22nd February at 10am














Junior/Beginner Training Classes


This class is offered as a step up from puppy training and can  help dogs and owners deal with and overcome issues during adolescence. It is also suitable for rescue dogs or older dogs who need a refresher. Dogs can attend this class from 10 months up. If your dog is a small breed or very nervous then we have a Puppy plus class which may be a better fit. If you are unsure of which class would be best then please get in touch to discuss the best option for you & your dog.


In these sessions we cover walking on a loose leash, working with distractions, manners and basic obedience (sit, stay and recall). We also aim to promote and reward calm, quiet behaviour around distractions. 


Central Bark Junior/Beginner class offers the opportunity to rectify behaviours such as jumping up, pulling on the leash and running off. We train indoors and outside (weather permitting) to ensure your dog generalises his/her learning and can apply it in real life situations. 

You will be invited to join a Whats-app group for the course duration to extra support, video analysis or just to share your progress.

Running for 45-60 minutes per week for 6 consecutive weeks, our classes provide a relaxed, stress free environment for you to learn with your dog. 



Throughout the summer holidays we understand that some people can't commit to a 6 week course. Various 1 off sessions are held to help with common obedience issues.

Check out the book online page for info.


Click here to book online

Please fill out the contact form for queries.


If your dog is reactive and/or has shown signs of aggression towards other dogs or people; please see our Behavioural Help page. 

dog training

Online training programme 


Perfect for people who don't have time to attend in person training or dogs who struggle with new people/situations. Train in your own time knowing you have support and advice whenever you need it.


Unlock your dog's full potential with our comprehensive online training program! Whether you're dealing with a rambunctious puppy or an adult dog with behavioural  challenges, our expert-led programmes offer personalised support and advice to reach your goals . Our affordable packages cover everything from basic obedience to behavioural issues. 


- What do you get? You get the same support package that my in- person training offers


 - Zoom call consultation to go through your issues and goals.


 - Bespoke, easy to follow training plan.


 - Daily What’s app support to answer questions and share training material 


 - Video analysis 



Private Training


Private lessons are on a one-to-one basis and involve you, your dog and our trainer. 


During the first assessment session we will discuss any questions you may have about your dog, find out what you enjoy doing with your them  and what you would like to achieve or improve on. The lessons are then tailored accordingly.


These sessions will offer homework and a variety of tips and so you can continue your training away from 'school' and into

a real life environment.  

​Generally these sessions are aimed at exercises such as walking nicely on a leash, manners, impulse control  and recall.  They will help you to make a great start to developing a well balanced adult dog.and saying goodbye to unwanted behaviours.



Home visits, sessions at Central Bark or training at a location of your choosing are available.​




Looking for a hobby for you and your dog? Check out our Activity & Scent work courses.

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